Here I hope to share a little information about my involvement with Amateur Radio.
Gear I own
Icom IC-2GAT 2 meter handheld
Alinco DR-135 2 meter mobile & 5/8 wave mag mount antenna for mobile operations
Alinco DR-570 2 meter/70cm dual bander for base operations.
Bearcat BC100XLT scanner
Antennas at home are a homemade copper pipe J-pole, and a discone, along with a full wave dipole.
Shack computers include a P-90 running DOS. I use CT, EasiLog4, Morse Academy, and a couple other programs whose names escape me at the moment.
I also have a 400Mhz Celeron(tm) Running Win98. Ham related software on this machine includes HamHelper, WinLog, and RoadRunner internet access to all the important Ham Radio sites.